Lifestyle Change Specialist and Integrative Family Physician
Dr. Ben Brown is a physician and a professor at Stanford and the University of California, San Francisco. He is an award-winning teacher, author, photographer, and humanitarian. Dr. Ben is the National Medical Director for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine. He has founded a number of non-profits, including Planet Care, the Burmese Refugee Care Project, and Integrative Medicine for the Underserved (IM4Us).
Born into a family of meditators, Ben rediscovered meditation in medical school. “I found my meditation teacher 30 years ago and have been working with him consistently since,” he says. “We use various techniques from the meditation traditions to help us remember the deeper truths of life.”
With over 20 years of clinical medicine (including delivering over 1000 babies) and a couple dozen medical missions to areas such as the Thai-Burmese border, Haiti, Bolivia, and Nicaragua under his belt, Dr. Ben has an exceptionally diverse range of experiences to draw from. He is especially interested in supporting people as they explore how simple lifestyle changes can help them lead happier, healthier lives. Ben describes his specialty as “helping mission-driven people close the gap between their current reality and their best self” by using the best of ancient wisdom, common sense, and modern science to create a model of change that is simple, fun, and effective.
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