Level 7: Insight

Develop awareness practice, the insight that the world appears in relationship with the mind

An image of an iceberg 90% below water, symbolizing the quality of insight that is always there

What You’ll Gain in Level 7: Insight

Connect to the mind’s natural spaciousness

See why vipashyana meditation transforms us

Soften the suffering of attachment

Practice generosity with wisdom in mind

Disrupt harmful habitual tendencies

Bring awareness to emotional reactivity

Become available for profound insight

Revisit the last 2 foundations of mindfulness

Prerequisites for this course: Level 1 through Level 6: 4 Seals and 4 Reminders

Roadmap of Buddhist Fundamentals course highlighting insight, the practice of vipashyana

The 7th Stage in Your Journey to Liberation

Insight arises in Level 7 of the Journey to Liberation as we deepen our understanding of vipashyana meditation and catch glimpses of the truth that our world appears only in cooperation with the mind. We carry mindfulness and awareness into daily living with the practice of generosity and emotional regulation, creating a new world in the process.

  • Review the advanced, nuanced practice of vipashyana meditation
  • Experience generosity as a skillful action that leads to wisdom
  • Understand what it means to act with ‘enlightened self-interest’
  • Recognize and acknowledge state of mind without attaching to it
  • Drop beyond thoughts and emotions into a more spacious mind
  • Begin to uncover who you really are, beyond your roles and labels

Ways to Get Started

Whether you take the levels one-by-one, purchase the Journey course bundle or gain full access to all our courses with a Premium Membership, our progressive online courses will inspire your progress on your path.

Level 7: Insight


billed once – lifetime access

Strengthen identification with the true self versus thoughts and emotions

Enroll in Course

Journey to Liberation 9-Course Bundle


billed once

Commit to the Buddhist path of wisdom and compassion with an in-depth 126 day course series, to bring inspiration and insight to your practice

Mindworks Premium Membership

$225 / year

Billed annually

Gain full access to all journeys, courses, live events and features with a premium membership

Mindworks Premium Membership

$25 / month

Billed monthly

Gain full access to all journeys, courses, live events and features with a premium membership


Your Level 7 Mind Trainers

Get to know the dharma teachers and meditation experts who will lead you to new possibilities as you progress on your Journey of Liberation.

Tillman Lhundrup has been teaching meditation and Buddhist philosophy for over 40 years

Tilmann Lhundrup

Life-long Meditation Teacher and Retreat Coach

Trinlay Rinpoche is a meditation master who teaches philosophy and the benefits of meditation on Mindworks

Trinlay Rinpoche

Accomplished Meditator and Buddhist Scholar

Lama Jampa Thaye, Meditation Master and Scholar

Lama Jampa Thaye, PhD

Meditation Master and Buddhist Scholar

Bart Mendel is the architect of Mindworks progressive meditation system.

Bart Mendel

Founder and Chief Meditation Officer

Khaydroup Podvoll is a Mind Trainer on Mindworks who teaches the benefits of being in the present moment

Khaydroup Podvoll

Contemplative Practitioner, Meditator & Teacher

Lama Tsony teaches meditation practices on Mindworks

Lama Tsony Devroux

Life-Long Meditator & Teacher

Sara-Mai Conway is a Buddhist writer who bases her writings and teachings on her Buddhist practice and experience

Sara-Mai Conway

Writer and Meditation Instructor

We are so fortunate to have access to this authentic meditation guidance.

Marion – Teacher

Even though I’ve been a meditation practitioner for many years, Mindworks has opened new doors in my mind. I’ve completed through Level 9 now, and I can now see how to interact with the world and people in a more positive way. We are so fortunate to have access to this authentic meditation guidance.

Smile Icon

Tina – Retail Sales

I am highly motivated to follow the next level on a daily basis! The benefits from Levels 1 and 2 are evident and I am grateful for this. This is the most challenging meditation I have ever done. The pace and the guidance is excellent. Thank you very much for everything !

Sally is happy she found Mindworks meditation

Sally – Astrologer

I LOVE Mindworks!! I can’t believe my luck in finding you. I often recommend Mindworks to enable very sensitive beings to cope with life. Just wanted you to know you created something WONDERFUL.

Up Next on Your Journey

Immerse in the Buddhist teachings – a complete path to freedom, joy and benefit to yourself and others

Man touching lightbulb, symbolizing the Buddhist science of mind

Level 8: Science of Mind

Explore Buddhist psychology to understand mind and perception

2 birds flying out of a cage, symbolizing self-liberation in the Buddhist path

Level 9: Self-Liberation

Find freedom from emotions and beliefs that obscure your potential


Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is vipashyana meditation?

What is the difference between mindfulness and awareness?

What should I do after meditation?

What are the 4 types of generosity?

Mindworks goal is simple—we want to help you discover the transformative power of meditation so that you can live your best life. As a 501c3 nonprofit, your support enables us to bring accessible, authentic meditation guidance to a worldwide community.

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